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完工於2014年12月, 1058 BEDFORD 是MAJO INTERIOR 與 RELIABLE CONSTRUCTION共同合作,第一棟酒店式公寓.
所以我們成立了這棟拎包入住公寓,不需要查Credit & Income. 二楼附設管理辦公室, 迅速處理任何問題。
不需要自己搬家具,我們提供住戶所有需要家具, 大至床,書桌,小至床單,被套枕頭,和基本锅碗瓢盆.
大樓一樓有Stonefruit Espresso + Kitchen - 有機咖啡/簡餐
地址: 1058 Bedford Ave, G train- Bedford Nostrand Avs 出站 30 秒
- Pratt Institute : Walking 7 minutes
- NYU- Poly : Subway 17 minutes
- Parsons : Subway 24 minutes
- Pace University : Subway 20 minutes
- New York University : Subway 25 minutes
Completed on Dec, 2014. 1058 Bedford is the first corporation housing unit between MAJO INTERIOR and RELIABLE CONSTRUCTION. This is an apartment that’s uniquely built for student from oversea.
As always, MAJO INTERIOR offers one stop – full services interior, No more waiting in line for IKEA, no more furniture assembly!
New furniture in all units, let us do all your heavy lifting!
We do not check credit, and we offer very flexible contract terms, online lease signing, video tour on the apartment, you will be able to rent your house even by oversea.
Our Supervisor speak both Mandarin and English, we will be able to help you settle down and make NEW YORK your home away from home.
Join us TODAY! 15 spots only.
CALL : (917)-929-1280
* 想將您的單位裝修後出租嗎? 歡迎和我們合作!
我們會負責將您的單位設計,改造,管理,及出租- majointerior@hotmail.com