Maggie Lo
Co-Founder, Design Team Leader
共同創辦人 , 室內設計師
Born in Taiwan, because her parents own an Interior Design business, she began helping the family before she actually starts her own Interior Design education. After graduated from high school in Vancouver BC, Canada, she attended Art Institute of Vancouver, and realized that in order to provide a better interior design to more people, she needed to pursue advanced studies.
She came to New York in 2010, attended New York School of Interior Design and got her Bachelor of Fine Art Degree (BFA) in 2015. After graduating from college, she starts doing various residential projects for students and small family.Not only does she gain experienced from her work, she also explore to many other topics related to modern city living
In 2014, she co-founded MAJO Interior with her partner Jonathan Kuo in hoping to achieved her goal of providing a better living experience for people.
Maggie, Lo 出生於台灣, 家中從事室內設計, 從小耳濡目染進而對室內設計產生濃厚的興趣及情感也累積了不少實作經驗,隨後為了繼續深造赴加拿大Art Institute of Vancouver . 在不停的工作經驗累積以及學習,Maggie, Lo 體會到室內設計的真諦,是一種藝術也是一種幫助人類生活得更好的方式, 她始終希望可以將室內設計推廣給更多的人.
隨後她又前往紐約的 New York School of Interior Design取得學士學位, 學習更當代的技術,當中Maggie, Lo 開始幫在紐約的當地從事室內設計,因為紐約的居住習慣,她了解到如何在小空間裡發揮室內設計的精華,也因為這樣開始實現他希望推廣室內設計到更多人的熱情.
在2014 年, 她與和Jonathan Kuo 成立了MAJO Interior,希望在不久的未來可以全方位的實現在設計以及生活上更精緻生活的理念.
Jonathan Kuo
Co-Founder, Construction Team Leader
共同創辦人 , 室內施工
Born in sunshine California, Jonathan is passionate with his design projects, he believes in hands on creations. He has the background of Art Institute of Vancouver and New York School of Interior Design and received his Bachelor of Fine Art Degree (BFA).
As an Interior Designer, he knows that design does not just appears on paper, it also needs to be able to build. He enjoy every moments on studying construction technique, improving the quality on each projects.
He knows how to make the impossible happens, he focus on the extreme level of detail, and always seeking to break through the barrier between design and construction, this gives his project unique taste and great refinement.
Interior Design is perhaps the closes to human living, it introduce people to a whole new space that they will spend great amount of time inside. Jonathan believes with this passion and love for his project, he will constantly be creating a better space for his clients.
In 2014, he co-founded MAJO Interior with her partner Maggie Lo in hoping to achieved their goal of providing a better living experience for people.
Jonathan Kuo 是對室內設計充滿熱情的實作家,擁有加拿大 Art Institute of Vancouver 和紐約 New York School of Interior Design 學歷,身為設計師的他不只把藍圖創造出來,他更享受親手製作的過程及成果.
因為他知道親力親為的結果讓他確保每一個工程進度和完整性而且可以無縫接軌地落實設計理念,Jonathan 了解再好的設計也需要細心雕琢才能完美呈現,而這份執著讓他在無數個實作經驗裡不斷的突破自己,發展出他的獨特的工法.
室內設計是貼近顧客生活的作品,所以一旦顧客重新認識他們嶄新的生活環境,就不難發現他對作品細膩度及扎實度的堅持,而Jonathan相信他對室內設計的這份激情將會日久不衰,而這樣對作品的熱情和堅持, 最終將創造出歷久彌新的作品 。
在2014 年, 他與和Maggie Lo 成立了MAJO Interior,希望在不久的未來可以全方位的實現在設計以及生活上更精緻生活的理念.